This post is a work in progress. To be honest, I have known for a while that I was going to write it, but still at this moment I am not exactly sure how to explain this subject. Before I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, I enjoyed every toy imaginable. I had snowmobiles… Read More »
I have felt for a while like I needed to talk about the divisions in the Church, which means I have to address my feelings on Denominations and membership. This is not an easy subject because it stirs up a lot of emotions because I have seen the damage that divisions have caused. I have… Read More »
Here lies the Problem
Since last night I have been thinking about this one thing. How is it that 70%+ of America can believe in Jesus, but yet we continue to see our country collapse into moral decay? Here is the answer I have come too…Hebrews 11:6 New Living Translation (NLT): 6”” And it is impossible to please God without… Read More »
I was hoping to get to sleep in this morning, because I have been under a pretty heavy load the last week. However, I can’t sleep, which usually means I go to my Bible or God has something for me to write. Today, I write. The last couple of days have been what I call… Read More »
Shut Down
I have been watching a disturbing trend that is happening all around me, and this morning I realized that it has begun to take over my life also. I don’t really know how else to describe it other than being shut down. For some people it looks like apathy, for others denial and still others… Read More »
This blog post is about something that I believe we all need to hear today! We are all broken and the only way to heal is to find forgiveness, while understanding the beauty of each person’s individuality. The core of the message is this—YOU are created in the image of God. It is from this… Read More »
Internal Cleaning!
1 Corinthians 5:12New Living Translation (NLT) 12” It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning.” A recent Man in the Mirror poll found that 6 out of 10 Christian men, including pastors, view pornography at least once a week. Many statistics… Read More »
Today I am writing from a place of heartbreak. Not because my heart is broken because of any particular things, because the stories I have heard over the years of ministry have well reminded me that we live in an evil time and world. The heartbreak that I feel today is because I got to… Read More »
In Jesus’ Name
I realized tonight as I was praying with Corinne, that often when I say “In Jesus name, Amen” I am using it more as a punctuation mark, rather than really understanding what it means to pray in Jesus Christ’s name. Jesus talked about the name that His Father had given Him, and that there is… Read More »
Where did we go wrong?
Wow, I woke up early this morning and as I was reading through my Facebook newsfeed to see what is going on in the world, as usual I was shocked and saddened. It seems that there has been another police shooting, the President of the Cub Scouts came out supporting homosexual leaders and Josh Duggar… Read More »