Crazy Love Coffee, a part of the POC organization, is named after the simple message of the Gospel. God loved me so much that He was even willing to send His own Son to die on a Cross to restore our relationship. That is Crazy Love!
The idea of Crazy Love Coffee came about 2 years ago when we felt God leading us to look into starting to roast coffee beans and then use the money for missions to where we were buying the beans.
Since that time we have been led to the Philippines as our primary source of Coffee beans. Our relationship with Compassion International and our sponsorship of 4 children in the Philippines showed us the needs and possibilities that could happen with the proceeds from Crazy Love Coffee. The Transformational Housing project that POC has started, also gives Crazy Love Coffee the opportunity to provide employment for the Transformational Housing members.
Because of this Crazy Love Coffee has an International and Domestic impact.
The roasting of the beans in Rural Oregon allows us to provide employment, job skills and a new start for those going through the Transitional Housing, as well as proceeds from the sale of Crazy Love Coffee helping to fund the Transformational Housing Home.
The purchasing of raw Coffee Beans as direct as possible from individual growers in the Philippines means growers get fair market value or higher, along with proceeds from the sale of the coffee being returned to the Philippines to improve living conditions for the people there.
All of this is an amazing opportunity to share what we have received as followers of Christ—radically giving of ourselves so that someone else can experience the same Crazy Love that we have received.